California ASTM F2286 Certification
While most states do not require Pool Fence product testing, California does. Our pool fencing, pool nets and pool covers not only meet California Swimming Pool Barrier code and Foster care, Adoptions and day care requirements, but exceed national and international specifications. California ASTM F2286 certification is expertly handled by Pool Guard Dealers.
Pool Guard places great care on obtaining quality suppliers and maintaining strict quality control guidelines in our manufacturing process. Our team inspects all raw materials and products at each stage of manufacturing to ensure the best quality. By paying attention to the details in the manufacturing process, our products have the strength to pass inspection. However Pool Guard takes the extra step of having outsider inspectors verify that our pool safety products meet national standards. This step ensures that in California both building inspectors and social workers can accept Pool Guard products in meeting state, county and city laws and requirements. Pool Guard also provides third party certification from various testing agencies in both certification form and labeling on the product. This is vitally important in passing code requirements and you should know that not all pool safety dealers can provide.
Child Care, Adoption, Kinship, and Foster Care
When looking to pass for Child Care, Adoption, Kinship, and Foster care, we have experience with county inspectors from San Diego to Sacramento counties. Our five foot pool fence with a self closing gate comes with a ASTM F2286 certification letter and sticker on the pool gate. It needs to be installed in a way that all doors and windows are blocked off from the swimming pool. This is a different requirement than trying to pass for California swimming pool barrier code during swimming pool construction. Child Care, Adoption, Kinship, and Foster care inspectors are looking for the barrier that separates the pool form the house. This is know as layering protection. While our Pool Covers and Pool Safety nets are ASTM certificated as well, our experience is that they will not pass with social workers and foster care inspectors.
Many Californian foster care agency’s, state and county informational brochures list pool covers or pool nets as a options but this is almost always not correct because of a misunderstanding of how these pool safe products work. While very safe and strong enough to support several people at once, this can not be done with out getting a little wet. In the case of a child this could mean just their shoes or hands getting wet. Still safe but not what social workers want. I have heard many times, and read several documents from Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego, Alameda and Fresno counties, the same basic statement made: “Pool Covers and swimming pool nets are approved as long as it’s ASTM certificated and the homeowner can stand on it and not get wet”. This isn’t possible. The result is that home owners almost always have to go with a pool fence. I have seen a few exceptions of social workers accepting pool covers and nets because at the end of the day they have the power to make the final decision on pool safety and the child’s well being, but this is almost always a decision by the head of the department.
Recommendations for Child care providers and Foster care parents.
ASTM and 5 foot self closing gate meets code in Corona.
will ask too.
California Swimming Pool Barrier Code for Pool Construction and Existing pools.
Updated Code: As of 1/1/18 California Swimming Pool Barrier Code now requires you to have Two of the listed Safety options. This is a change from the previously required One of the listed Safety options.
When building or remodeling a pool, the city or county building department will require passing California Swimming pool barrier code, as so know as 115920-115929. This act shall be known and may be cited as the California Swimming Pool Safety Act. 5 foot Mesh removal pool fencing and self closing gate with ASTM F 2286 certification is listed a options for passing the code. It also allows for Pool Covers and Safety Nets with ASTM 1346 to pass for code. Pool Guard can provide all three options.
” (2) The pool shall incorporate removable mesh pool fencing that meets American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specifications F 2286 standards in conjunction with a gate that is self-closing and self-latching and can accommodate a key lockable device. “
“(3) The pool shall be equipped with an approved safety pool cover that meets all requirements of the ASTM Specifications F 1346 “
Pool Net meeting ASTM F1346-91 in San Jose
ASTM F1346-91 in Riverside
What is stated above is the letter of the law so make sure any company you work with can an meet ASTM standards. The next step is to understand that your city or county is required to use the California Swimming Pool Safety Act as a minimum level of safety in keeping kids from swimming pools. A local inspector can require a tougher requirement. Always check with you local inspector to see what they expect. A perfect example is that I have gotten 5 foot mesh pool fencing passed in most all cites in Riverside County, however Riverside County unincorporated areas refuse to accept mesh pool fencing. In other cases cites like Norco and city of Riverside will accept pool safety nets and cover while cities like Palm Springs that use to accept covers and nets have now changed regulations and will now not accept them. Los Angeles will accept 5 foot mesh pool fence but it has to lock into the deck. The recommendation is communication with your inspector and then confirmation with your fence dealer that they have ASTM documents for their products. Pool Guard Safety Products can be one of the most affordable ways to complete your pool construction project.
Pool Guard’s Pool Fence Product Certification to exceed ASTM F2286-05 Standards
View the certification here.
This specification was developed by the consumer product safety commission and outlines the performance and design requirements for removable mesh safety barriers used for barriers for swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas to reduce the incidence of injuries or death for infants and children up to and including five years of age.
Pool Guard’s Pool Safety Net Product Certification to ASTM F1346-91
View the certification here.
This standard covers performance specification for pool safety covers and labeling requirements for all pool covers for swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.
Pool Guard’s Pool Fence Product Certification to NF P 90-306
View the certification here.
This specification was introduced in France and is now required in many countries in Europe. This specification outlines elements of protection for in ground swimming pools, the use of protection barriers and safety requirements and test methods.
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